Security and confidentiality

At Academic Research Editors we take the security and confidentiality of both your work and our relationship with you extremely seriously.

Personal Data

In accordance with the requirements of the UK’s Data Protection Act, when you place an order with us your personal data (name, contact details etc.) will be held securely on our systems for the duration of our business relationship. Two years after the last date on which you used our services any personal data retained by us will automatically be deleted. You can request us to delete your personal data sooner than this simply by emailing us at


Academic Research Editors retains your manuscript securely in its computer systems and in those of our storage partner As with personal data, your manuscript will be deleted from our systems two years after the last date on which you used our services.

At all times you retain ownership of your manuscript and it remains your intellectual property which we have and seek no claim on. Although it is implicit in you contracting us to undertake editorial work that your manuscript will be forwarded to one or more of our editors, all of our editors have signed a confidentiality agreement and neither your manuscript nor the ideas, methods or other intellectual content of your research will ever be forwarded or otherwise communicated by us to a third party. We will also never confirm your business relationship with us without your permission, except in so far as we supply you with a certificate affirming your receipt of our editorial or proofreading services in relationship to a named article. This certificate is for your use, if you wish to affirm that your work has been professionally edited. If you supply the certificate to potential publishers and we are asked by them to confirm its authenticity we will assume your consent to do so.

Transaction security

Online payments are processed securely through our payment services provider Paypal. Paypal is the world leader in online payments and provides one of the most secure payment platforms available, ensuring that you can be confident that your details are entirely safe when you make a transaction. Further details of Paypal’s online security are available here.

You do not need a Paypal account to pay for our services through Paypal. Paypal will process your credit or debit card payment using its secure systems, incorporating full fraud protection.

Because Paypal acts as a third party payment services provider we at Academic Research Editors never have access to your bank or card details.